Friday, May 16, 2014

Serious Look at Comedy, Part ???

I'm afraid I must apologize. This has been a busy week and I have not been able to get back to writing my analysis of Galaxy Quest. This has been one of those weeks where I've had more to do than time to do it and something had to be cut out. Hopefully, I'll have some time next week to get back to it.

On the good news front, one of the things that has kept me busy is getting ready for the print launch of The Tales of Myrick the (Not So) Magnificent, Volume 1. It is scheduled to be released May 23rd, so as I get more details, I'll let you know. One of the things I'm trying to get ready is the audio book version. I've already done the audio for the two seasons that were released through Big World Network (The Lord of the Socks and How to Hug a Golem), but I'm releasing the three prequels (The Princess and the Privy, The Crypt of the Undead Sorcerer and Other Vacation Spots, and Of Weeds and Wizardry). The three prequels are taking me longer to record than I planned, due to technical issues and the fact that they are a lot longer than one of my typical weekly episodes. They'll come out to almost two hours of narration, but the time-consuming part is all the editing it takes to get a clean sound.

Until then, live long and prosper.

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